September 8, 2024

Ocean Sanctuaries Marks a Milestone: Celebrating Ten Years of Marine Conservation

Empowering Citizen Science and Advancing Marine Conservation for a Decade

San Diego, CA – April 12, 2024 ( – This year marks a significant milestone for Ocean Sanctuaries, a non-profit organization based in San Diego dedicated to marine conservation and the empowerment of citizen science. Celebrating its 10th anniversary, Ocean Sanctuaries commemorates a decade of remarkable achievements in marine research, education, and outreach, highlighting the critical role of community involvement in ocean conservation.

Founded in 2014 by Barbara Lloyd and Michael Bear, Ocean Sanctuaries set out with a mission to engage individuals from all walks of life in marine science, fostering a deeper connection and stewardship towards the ocean. Through various projects like Bioblitzes, Shark Projects, and Marine Life Surveys, the organization has successfully mobilized thousands of citizen scientists, contributing significantly to our understanding and preservation of marine ecosystems.

The journey over the past ten years has been incredibly rewarding,” said Michael Bear, Co-founder and President of Ocean Sanctuaries. “Seeing the community come together, eager to learn and contribute, reinforces the belief that every individual can make a difference in the health of our oceans.”

Barbara Lloyd, Co-founder of Ocean Sanctuaries, adds, “Our success is a testament to the power of collaboration and passion. With the ongoing threats facing marine environments, the work of Ocean Sanctuaries and our volunteers has never been more important. We’re excited to continue this journey, expanding our reach and impact.

Highlights of Ocean Sanctuaries’ achievements include:

– Engaging over 5,000 volunteers in citizen science projects.
– Documenting thousands of marine species, contributing valuable data to global research efforts.
– Educating the public through workshops, seminars, and an eLearning portal dedicated to marine conservation.

As Ocean Sanctuaries looks to the future, it remains committed to its mission of marine conservation through citizen science, education, and outreach, inviting more individuals and partners to join in its efforts to protect our oceans.

About Ocean Sanctuaries
Founded in San Diego in 2014, it offers people from all backgrounds the opportunity to contribute to marine science through a variety of projects, collaborations, and educational programs. By bridging the gap between scientific research and public engagement, Ocean Sanctuaries fosters a deeper understanding and stewardship of the ocean, aiming to inspire and educate future generations about the importance of conserving our marine environments.

To support Ocean Sanctuaries and contribute to its ongoing and future projects, donations can be made through their website or by clicking here. Every contribution helps in advancing marine conservation efforts and supporting the vital work of citizen scientists.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Name: Cecilia Grayeb
Title: Marketing Director
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 833.995.2555

Atlanta Reports