September 8, 2024

Funneltopia Unveils Revolutionary Update to Content AI – Making Flawless Content Creation Simpler Than Ever

Worldwide– November 8, 2023 ( – In a groundbreaking move that’s set to change the face of content creation within the digital marketing industry, Funneltopia today announced a major update to its Content AI feature within the Social Planner platform. The update, which includes Text and Image capabilities, aims to empower entrepreneurs, experts, and company leaders with the tools to fine-tune their content to perfection.

Hawk Mikado, CEO of Funneltopia, expressed his excitement about the update:At Funneltopia, we’re committed to providing our users with not just a platform, but a companion in their marketing journey. This update to our Content AI is a testament to that commitment. We’ve harnessed the most sophisticated AI available to ensure that every piece of content – whether it’s text or images – resonates with the intended audience. This is more than an update; it’s a transformation of how our users will interact with and leverage content, ensuring that their message is not only heard but felt.

Content AI – A New Era of Content Optimization
Content AI by Funneltopia now offers an enhanced suite of features that include:
Improvise Writing: AI-driven suggestions to elevate content quality, bringing ideas to life with vibrancy and clarity.
Make Longer: Expansion of ideas into full-fledged narratives, enriching content with depth and detail.
Make Shorter: Distillation of content into its most potent form, delivering powerful messages succinctly.
Spelling and Grammar Check: Transformation of text into a polished masterpiece, maintaining the writer’s unique voice.
Simplify Writing: Clarification of complex concepts, ensuring accessibility and engagement for a broader audience.

These options are expertly designed to revamp writing experiences, skyrocketing content to unprecedented levels of excellence and engagement.

A Robust and Scalable Business Solution

As a comprehensive CRM and marketing platform, Funneltopia’s mission is to enable users to automate sales and marketing processes, land more clients, and build lasting relationships while contributing to a scalable business model.

About Funneltopia
At the heart of Funneltopia lies a movement that transcends mere software. Their mission is to serve 100,000 entrepreneurs, experts, and company leaders—not just to bolster their businesses but to champion their dreams. By aiming to add $100,000 in annual profit to each of their ventures, we’re not only fueling economic growth but also nurturing the aspirations that drive human progress.

Funneltopia is a community as much as it is a company, where success is measured by more than just profit margins—it’s about the impact we have on each other’s lives, the dreams we turn into realities, and the collective advancement we achieve. Our all-in-one platform is crafted with the understanding that behind every sales funnel and marketing campaign is a person striving for a better life, a better community, and a better world,” says Hawk Mikado.

This latest update to their Content AI is a testament to their unwavering dedication to their users’ success, both professionally and personally. They continue to innovate not just for innovation’s sake but to provide the tools that help users break through barriers and reach new heights.

As a business, we’re committed to the relentless pursuit of excellence. As a community, we’re devoted to the power of human potential. And as dreamers, we’re united in the belief that through our collective efforts, we can make the world a place where every entrepreneur’s vision has the chance to flourish,” says Kate Mikado, COO of Funneltopia.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Name: Cecilia Grayeb
Title: Marketing Director
Phone: 833.995.2555

Atlanta Reports